A Vision for Waterford

As we continue to transform our economy to face up to the climate challenge we face, we need to set out a clear and positive vision for future of Waterford and the wider region.

First, we need to be clear and unapologetic in stating and supporting Waterford City’s status as the capital of the Southeast. If we’re serious about balanced regional development and moving away from mindset where all roads lead to Dublin, then we need continued and sustained investment here in Waterford in the services – health, housing and education – that make that real.
We should leverage our existing rail infrastructure to develop a Metropolitan Rail System, giving the 600,000 people living within 60 minutes of Waterford City fast, reliable and carbon-neutral access to our city centre.

Across the county, we should adopt an ‘every village, every hour’ vision of how we want our rural public transport to serve our communities. And everywhere, everywhere, we should be investing in the active travel infrastructure that will make walking and cycling a safe and realistic option for getting around our towns and villages.

We need to lean into the Green Economy. Waterford is ideally placed to capitalise on the Renewables Revolution sweeping across Europe, with an excellent solar resource and enormous investment coming down the tracks in offshore wind. Building out our renewables will create massive employment, and where we land that renewable electricity, we know that clean energy attracts quality jobs.
Decarbonising our economy, safeguarding our children’s future won’t be easy. It’s the challenge of our generation. Business as usual won’t cut it.
We need real political vision, and we need a mix of honesty, bravery and hope to bring it about. I’m committed to working towards that prosperous and sustainable future for Waterford. It’s what I’m in politics for.